A Guide for Emergency Heater to have a Cozy Winter

Last updated on October 29th, 2021 at 10:08 am

Keeping ourselves warm in the winter season is what we seek. Sometimes the snowstorm most likely cuts off the electricity and immobilizes the whole system. It is better to be prepared for such circumstances by having a backup system. Here, in this blog, we are sharing everything you need to know about an emergency heater as a backup. 

What is emergency heater?

The emergency heat or the auxiliary heat both are the same. It is actually the thermostat with the second stage heat running during the cold temperature. It pumps the heat just similar to the outside which usually triggers when its temperature is either 35 degrees F or below that outdoors. 

Read More: Battery Operated Heaters

How an emergency heater is a diy emergency heater?

The emergency heater is indeed a diy heater as in you can render one just by using some regular gears from your home. They are simpler yet, they can produce a lot of heat too but you should not leave it unattended as it produces high flame– could be hazardous too. Here is a quick diy emergency heater that you can make easily. 

You will need

  • An empty 1-quart paint can or a food can with the lid.
  • A toilet roll 
  • A bottle of 70% alcohol (isopropyl)
  • And A flathead screwdriver

diy emergency heater?

To Assemble it 

  • You will need a screwdriver to remove the tube of cardboard from the toilet roll.
  • After removing the cardboard, squeeze the roll to make it compact to fit properly in the tin can.
  • Now put the roll in the tin with the help of a screwdriver.
  • Cross-check if the tissue rim reaches the bottom of the tin.
  • Place a tile which is 1 square foot under the tin before lighting it.
  • Slowly pour the isopropyl alcohol into the toilet paper (we are using it as a wick). Let it suck the whole liquid. 
  • Now, light the paper from the top of the tin. Make sure you are placing it in the right place. And there you go. Your emergency heater is ready. 

Read More: Best safe tent heaters for camping

How does emergency heat work?

Most of the time, the emergency heater uses electricity but you can also go for a natural source like oil or gas. There are emergency propane heaters too. 

The Heat Pump

Basically, a heat pump is an air conditioner that instead of cooling produces work in the opposite way. It moves the heat to different places and during winters, it brings the heat from outside to the indoors. It becomes difficult to work when the temperature reaches below 40 degrees F as the heat pump struggles to get the heat from outside. 

The Heat Pump

As a backup, to fulfill the requirements, the heat pump begins to use the other heating sources like electrical strip heat coils (the ones similar to the toaster). 

When should I turn on emergency heat?

Many people use the best emergency heat when the weather is too cold, which is, to be honest not to write. The right way to use heat is when the heat pump stops heating; during emergency situations. 

For instance, if the snow has covered the entire outdoor unit and somehow causes damage then, you should switch to the emergency heating source.  This can keep you warm for all the electric systems. 

In case the heat pump is malfunctioning then it is better to book an appointment with the professionals.

If you want to read more about heaters continue reading about: Battery Powered heater



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This is William Parker, an RV lover, and an adventurer - in short, Beaver Instincts. I am also a professional content creator who knows fairly well how to compare different products, services, and sites. Announcement: Invest in Our Blog to get up to $20K per month in passive income. Email